Mikisiwipīsim “Bald Eagle Month”
It is February!! Weren’t we just ringing in the new year?? Time sure does fly when you are having fun. PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED CALENDAR FOR THE IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES IN FEBRUARY.
- Please dress your child(ren) accordingly. We go outside for recesses everyday unless in extreme weather.
- Don’t forget to send an extra pair of clothes for your child if you haven’t done so already. If they use their extra pair, send another pair so that they always have a pair of clothes at the school.
- If your child has any symptoms of a cold or flu, please keep them at home. If they come to school with any symptoms, they will be sent home immediately. Help us to keep all of our staff and students safe.
Help us keep our school safe and clean. Wear a mask when you enter the school and take off your shoes and boots at the doorways please. Our kids play on our floors when the weather is extreme. We need to keep the school clean. We greatly appreciate your help with this.
We have classroom sale fundraisers every single day. They are fundraising for many things. All money fundraised will be used for year-end field trips that will be quickly approaching. If your child’s teacher asks for help with goodies, all the parents help is so greatly appreciated 😊
Concession cards are available! You can send money with your children to purchase a card. We have popcorn, juice boxes, cheese strings, pudding, jello, hot rods, goldfish crackers, cookies, yogurt and marshmallow squares. All items are $1 or $2.
The Iskwēsisak sessions will run after school from 3:30 to 4:15.
Nāpēsisak Group runs every Monday during lunch. When the weather warms up, they will start staying after school. No permission slips are needed.
Our HeadStart Program is now running a 9-day session. They have every 2nd Friday off as the teachers need time to sanitize their classroom and toys. Please see the attached calendar the days HeadStart is NOT in school.
Family challenge!!! We challenge all families to show LOVE with each other every day this month. Below is a list of 25 activities you can try in your homes as a family. Once you finish an activity (By February 28th), the adult and child can initial each box. When the 25 activities are all done, send this form back to the school for a chance at a draw for a family swim pass at BioClean Aquatic Center with gas and meals. Share some of your pictures on your FaceBook and tag Pēwāsēnākwan Primary School in your post. Let us see how much fun you are having! We always love seeing picture. Remember, the form must be returned to have a chance for the family swim package. The draw will be made on March 3rd. Have fun everyone! Remember, every box must be signed by adult and child. Sahkitok..let’s love one another 😊